Learn what content pillar is in this article.
Content Pillar - Definition, Types, and Examples
Content pillar is the foundation of topics that will be used as content on various platforms. Learn the full definition, types, and examples in this article.
In the world of digital content, a content pillar is something that must be considered to ensure the success of content creation. It can also be a guideline for creating content that matches the company's branding.
It is the foundation that is usually used to develop social media accounts or company websites that want to reach audiences through digital channels. Therefore, effective content planning is required.
In this article, we will explore all about it, including benefits, types, and examples of content pillars that can help you understand this topic more deeply. So, read this article to the end.
What Is a Content Pillar?
The content pillar is the foundation of a content strategy, especially in digital marketing. In simple terms, it is a broad main topic that will later be developed into more detailed and specific content.
In addition, this is a strategy that is designed in such a way that it can support business goals in creating content.
In the context of social media, content pillars are considered a collection of content categories that are relevant to the audience, so the audience is more interested in the account being run.
To gain insight into the content pillars, here are some of its characteristics:
Broad and deep topics: The content pillar focuses on one big theme related to the business field and niche. The theme should be broad and deep, to provide complete and comprehensive information to the audience.
Informative and comprehensive: Content pillars usually provide complete and in-depth information on the topic being discussed.
Source for supporting content: Content pillars can be used as a source for creating more specific and detailed supporting content. The supporting content can be in the form of blog posts, infographics, videos, or social media updates.
It can be concluded that the content pillar is an important element in developing content that fits the niche and business branding.
Benefits of Creating Content Pillar
Content Pillar is a content strategy that has many benefits for brand sustainability. The benefits of creating this are as follows:
1. More Planned Content Creation
By having well-planned core content, you can design a more structured editorial calendar and ensure that each content supports the main business objectives.
2. Meeting Audience Needs
In addition to making content more planned, the pillar of content is a strategy that allows businesses to delve into topics or themes that are truly relevant to the target audience.
By understanding your audience's needs, questions, and interests, you can create content that is more meaningful and valuable to them.
3. Better Structure
Content pillars can also form a better hierarchical structure on a website by ensuring the content is logically connected through links.
This can create a better user experience and ease navigation, so visitors can easily find other relevant information.
4. Maintain Brand Consistency
By centering content around a core topic or theme, businesses can maintain their branding consistency.
This continuity can help build a strong brand image and communicate a consistent message to the audience.
5. Supports SEO Practices
Creating a pillar is also an effective strategy for SEO practices. By creating core content on specific topics, you can improve search engine rankings and increase online visibility.
Internal linking in the content can also support interconnectedness between pages, so it can give positive signals to search engines.
Types of Content Pillars
Content pillar types may also differ depending on the business context and content marketing objectives. However, in general, there are several types of social media and website content pillars that are commonly used in content strategy:
1. Marketing
This type focuses on content designed to support business marketing objectives. This pillar of content can include content that promotes products or services by introducing the brand to the audience or driving conversions.
2. Educational
This pillar of content aims to provide educational value to the audience. It can be in-depth guides, tutorials, or resources to help the audience understand a topic or acquire new skills.
This type can be used for social media or websites with different styles. Examples of social media content pillars using this type are topics such as:
How to Choose a Creative Agency Wisely.
Reasons Why Brand Personality is Important.
and others.
3. Entertainment
This type focuses on content that aims to provide entertainment to the audience. The content can be funny videos, short stories, or other creative content designed to keep the audience entertained.
An example of an entertaining social media content pillar is creative memes related to business.
4. Agile
Next, the agile type involves creating responsive content that can adapt to changing trends. This type of content allows businesses to stay relevant and connected with the audience.
5. Conversational
This type of content stimulates interaction and conversation with the audience is categorized as conversational. This type can include questions, polls, or content that responds directly to comments and responses from the audience.
Content Pillar Example
In this section, we divide the content pillar examples into two, which are social media and websites. Here are examples of both:
1. Example of Social Media Content Pillars
A. Main Topic: Programming Learning Guide.
Core Content: Steps to Learning a New Programming Language.
Supporting Content: Short video tutorial of "Effective Tips for Learning Programming" or interactive quiz of "Test How Well You Understand Python."
B. Main Topic: Creative Graphic Design
Core Content: Carousel of "Graphic Design Ideas Every Week."
Supporting Content: "Various Design Themes" or Behind-the-Scenes video of "Latest Graphic Design Creation Process."
2. Example of Website Content Pillars
A. Main Topic: 2024 Shoe Model Trend.
Core Content: An in-depth article on "Sneak Peek at This Year's Latest Shoe Trend."
Supporting Content:
Image Gallery of the latest 2024 collection.
Video showcase of "Virtual Exhibition: A Selection of Shoes from Top Designers."
Infographic of "Matching Shoes with the Most Popular Fashion Trend."
B. Main Topic: Maintaining and Caring for Shoes Properly.
Core Content: Article series "A Guide to Taking Care of Shoes to Make Them Last Longer."
Supporting Content:
Video tutorial of "How to Clean Leather Shoes Easily."
Infographic of "Tips to Prevent Sneakers from Damage."
Recipe of "DIY Natural Shoe Cleaner."
In the series of discussions above, it can be concluded that the content pillar is a solid foundation for managing and optimizing the messages to be conveyed.
So, it is very crucial for any business that wants to reach audiences through online channels. Does your brand already have good content pillars?
If you're feeling overwhelmed due to content pillar creation to its creative production, Visuwisu can help you with it. With our agile team, all your creative asset needs can be covered.
Contact us to discuss more about your content!